Thursday, December 2, 2010

Able 2 Respond

I can truly say without a father figure taught me more than i could have learned with my father being around now don't misinterpret what I'm saying because the lessons would have been taught different. when you are instructed on what to do and you do it incorrectly or the way you want to, that's just flat out disobedience, now I'm not trying to justify my actions as a young man but its what i learned that i hope someone else can find inspiring so they can get through the transitional phase of their life, and not just to boys on their way to being a men but any young adult who is preparing to take on full responsibility in life, and that's where this thought starts while i was walking this journey i felt as if i was traveling the road alone, nobody was able to respond to what i was going through know everybody had an opinion but who was really sincere and wanted to see me get better in life and life in general because it was a lot that i did not know that i thought i knew but that's what I'm speaking about who is able to respond to someone who think they know what they really don't know but you as the comforter or life coach, or the shoulder to lean on are you able to respond with real passion and sincerity and not just being nosey , tonight as i sit and write this i just was inspired by what Micheal Vick's response to Dione Sanders question when he asked him have he spoke to Plaxico Burress, Another NFL player who is serving time in jail for his own shortcomings in life and his response was no, but he also said he know how he feel and i understand what he is going through then he went on to say that the time is not right, but their will be a time for that, now how many time have you seen someone down and out and right when they in the middle of it,and it just don't feel like its the time to be making suggestions but where are those people when you finally understand OK i was wrong i made some mistakes but where do i go from here, this is the point where you need to surround your self with people who are able to respond, are you able to respond or should i say whats you responsibility who life should you be impacting, remember that the next time you meet someone who traveling that road to redemption what role will you play will you make an impact because you are able to respond, remember to Transformtruly Evaluate, Educate, Elevate