Saturday, May 7, 2011

What God has for you , it already exist Genesis chapter 2 v5-7

this morning i was inspired to write a blog post which i have not done in months i feel that no one reads like they should we live in a world where some believe that a glance is all the need, some read the title of something and believe they know what its about, some are just to busy and their attention span is just not that long wether people read my post or not i making a commitment to say whats needed, and express gods word the way its been giving to me god gave me something this morning and i picked up my books and starting following up on what was just spoken to me so i turned to Genesis chapter 2 verse 5 before every plant and herb was in the earth god had not caused it to rain, and there was no man to till the ground, but there went up a mist from the ground that watered the whole face of the earth, and the lord God formed man from the from the dust of the ground

When I was lost in the world I had dreams and plans I lived my life according to what felt good to me whether it was right or wrong after i got saved i was washed and had been walking by faith now the test was real because the resources that was available to me that helped me sustain a certain lifestyle all of that was over so while i was feeling clueless on how to live just by working a job then it dawned on me that know it was time to find my purpose, find what was for me in this world and what i realized is that it had already existed what I had to do is get connect with what god had for me, see after i became saved then it was gods intention to use me for his own good this earth that god created it was intended for man to dwell in it and have a abundant life i realized that after the blessings of god started to roll in and the people that i was looking to, or the job i was looking for did not produce god made me a believer but the blessing was not the tangible items that god provided for me but it was the wisdom that was displayed to me and the discernment that allows me to keep going just like the word says god had not watered the ground because there was not a man to till the ground so what was meant to grow could not come about because it has not been properly treated just like my life i been articulate, i always been a people person, being able to lead is something i always did so once god showed me that i was made to serve him and help win over souls i felt like i was able to do it.
In the beginning I felt like i needed a sign and that sign was the Truetransformation that had took place in my life, my kids , my wife all the things that god granted me that ensured me that it was the work of god that was moving in my life so just as the word says the mist went up and the water came down and god formed man from the dust of the ground so the situation that was created by god (the mist that went up ) the outcome (man ) was gods intentions because god had work for that man to do i know someone who might read this because your eyes are wide open you just made that commitment to lay down for the word of god now u trying to find your purpose everyone made not be made for ministry but your life was intended for something so keep your eyes open and pay attention to what gods doing around you because it all could be intended for you