Saturday, February 18, 2012

what real men do

Today I had a thought,And over and over in my head the same question kept coming back, what do real men do as i start to think back over time for the first man that walked the earth his instruction was simple be fruitful and multiply, was one so from their i believe the foundation was started we created the blueprint which has been passed on for years the man is the head patriarch, its the man responsibility to provide and covet the family, i know that times have changed and woman have become more independent and are just as compatible as men, I'm not here to dispute with women about that issue we all have our opinions about that when the question kept running through my mind finances was not the issue. I remember when i didn't have the right to speak as a citizens because my contributions to society was harmful on so many levels but we know that god is a healer, I'm not perfect, but I'm pursuing, so as i have became physically transformed my actions are not the same and also to let you know i been going through the changes i have had one true friend,and here name is jatonnia and she has bought a lot of balance to my life but remember we till have to live our lives she work and i work so sometimes i feel isolated inside of my change that i have created, thats why i ask the qeustion shat do real man do like the blueprint that i mention earlier, we understand the providing part but whats next with no desire to get high no illegal hustle and im faithful to my wife so somebody pleas let me know what do real men do to take this convo a little furthe pleas holla back

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