Saturday, May 7, 2011

What God has for you , it already exist Genesis chapter 2 v5-7

this morning i was inspired to write a blog post which i have not done in months i feel that no one reads like they should we live in a world where some believe that a glance is all the need, some read the title of something and believe they know what its about, some are just to busy and their attention span is just not that long wether people read my post or not i making a commitment to say whats needed, and express gods word the way its been giving to me god gave me something this morning and i picked up my books and starting following up on what was just spoken to me so i turned to Genesis chapter 2 verse 5 before every plant and herb was in the earth god had not caused it to rain, and there was no man to till the ground, but there went up a mist from the ground that watered the whole face of the earth, and the lord God formed man from the from the dust of the ground

When I was lost in the world I had dreams and plans I lived my life according to what felt good to me whether it was right or wrong after i got saved i was washed and had been walking by faith now the test was real because the resources that was available to me that helped me sustain a certain lifestyle all of that was over so while i was feeling clueless on how to live just by working a job then it dawned on me that know it was time to find my purpose, find what was for me in this world and what i realized is that it had already existed what I had to do is get connect with what god had for me, see after i became saved then it was gods intention to use me for his own good this earth that god created it was intended for man to dwell in it and have a abundant life i realized that after the blessings of god started to roll in and the people that i was looking to, or the job i was looking for did not produce god made me a believer but the blessing was not the tangible items that god provided for me but it was the wisdom that was displayed to me and the discernment that allows me to keep going just like the word says god had not watered the ground because there was not a man to till the ground so what was meant to grow could not come about because it has not been properly treated just like my life i been articulate, i always been a people person, being able to lead is something i always did so once god showed me that i was made to serve him and help win over souls i felt like i was able to do it.
In the beginning I felt like i needed a sign and that sign was the Truetransformation that had took place in my life, my kids , my wife all the things that god granted me that ensured me that it was the work of god that was moving in my life so just as the word says the mist went up and the water came down and god formed man from the dust of the ground so the situation that was created by god (the mist that went up ) the outcome (man ) was gods intentions because god had work for that man to do i know someone who might read this because your eyes are wide open you just made that commitment to lay down for the word of god now u trying to find your purpose everyone made not be made for ministry but your life was intended for something so keep your eyes open and pay attention to what gods doing around you because it all could be intended for you

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The fork in the road

Mathew Chapter 7 verse 13
Psalms 69 1-6
When i read this particular scripture it reminded me when i was forced to make the decision in my life what is it that i plan to do the rest of my life, and it's teachings like this i wish i had when i was coming up because i would have been familiar with what was to come as an adolescent growing up, and not just as a young man but as an adult we will always feel like there is a right and wrong decision for me as a teen growing up i just kind of followed the crowd and did what i seen the other guys in my neighborhood do, Ive made choices in my life that I regret but you got to learn from those and live with, later i was taught choices birth decisions decisions births habits and habits birth character and character births destiny (thanks bishop walker) this was so true because before I ever sold a drug i was being sold the drug i was under the assumption that this was what everybody was doing, see the word says enter into the narrow gate for wide and abroad is the gate that lead to destruction the fist problem was by whom I was being lead by and by me not knowing god i just followed right through , which i found my self after years of destruction in such despair, as the psalmist wrote in chapter 69 v1-6 save me oh god for the waters are up to my neck I sink in the depths of it, with all the glitz and glamour which a man can obtain its the pain that he is stuck with and as you go on to read psalms 69 v 1-6 its says may those that hope in you be disgraced because of me, that was my family and all love one who invested so much in me growing up and i chose to go astray, god word says god you know my folly my guilt is not hidden from you, this is how i feel today all my cards are on the table i am who i am and god gets the glory for me still being alive and in my right mind, this goes out to every one that's looking to become Trulytransformed. remember it s a process !!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Buying Time

Growing up, One of the most famous cliche's of all time, is the saying that Time is money
with that being said most of us know to use our time wisely, looking for money in return for every minute that we spend in a day which in the spiritual world can be viewed as selfish especially when we know that Jesus Christ died for our sins so that we may spend eternity with the father for the word says that man is formed from the dust and to dust we shall return, think about it we hustle an grind all day long to obtain these tangible items just to leave them behind, now from that perspective I hope you see that your mission in this life is more greater than collecting things, not to say that you cant have nice things for the word say he came so that you might have life and have it more abundantly, but what i want you to see is what such great value your life is worth, some people never understand their worth, God knows what he created in you
but its still your choice to submit to his ways, by doing so you find yourself in god good grace not saying that you will be trouble free but you will be equipped to serve and able to stand against what this world throws at you, look at it this way eternity which symbolizes the main event its like a concert and you are interested in attending but the cost may be more than you can bear but what you find out is that the main event is free but your other dilemma is how are you going to get there,Now its about how bad do you wanna go,ask yourself this question what is your desires how do you feel in your heart because that's whats going to help you make the decision to get to life's main event, the fee has been paid, all you have to do is find your way their, so remember that its not about the things you obtain in this world,but its the things that you do until the return of Jesus Christ,

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What are your intentions

Psalms chapter1 verse 6: for the word of god says , For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish

When i landed my first job in the real world something i noticed is that people sometimes say one thing and really mean another, they act a certain way around certain people, Me as a young man who grew up in the streets, only knew how to be one way and that's all the way real. After giving my life to Christ, My whole intentions was to live accordingly. I can remember so many time where no matter how much word i put in me i still was looked upon as just another young African American male who have made all the wrong decisions. When i would meet people on the job they come with their questions trying to fill you out, what they would discover is a young man who had been truly transformed by the word of god. Then that's when the usual talks about yeah i go to this church and i been saved for this many years comes up. Now I'm no judge but i was able to quickly identify these rants as small talk, That's why in the beginning i was very cautious about who i talked to about my beliefs, I wrote this to shed some light on the thoughts of a new believer and in the beginning there eyes are wide open and ears are very sensitive and when looking to get started on their journey its the people that we meet during those times that can have an effect on their walk of faith. So you as being the more seasoned saint god knows your true intentions are you walking in love embracing the lost and looking out for the lest fortunate, if not then you shall perish in your success which you create just for the enjoyment for yourself let this be a thought that you chew on and a scripture that you lean on and give god the glory in all you days.