Saturday, January 8, 2011

What are your intentions

Psalms chapter1 verse 6: for the word of god says , For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish

When i landed my first job in the real world something i noticed is that people sometimes say one thing and really mean another, they act a certain way around certain people, Me as a young man who grew up in the streets, only knew how to be one way and that's all the way real. After giving my life to Christ, My whole intentions was to live accordingly. I can remember so many time where no matter how much word i put in me i still was looked upon as just another young African American male who have made all the wrong decisions. When i would meet people on the job they come with their questions trying to fill you out, what they would discover is a young man who had been truly transformed by the word of god. Then that's when the usual talks about yeah i go to this church and i been saved for this many years comes up. Now I'm no judge but i was able to quickly identify these rants as small talk, That's why in the beginning i was very cautious about who i talked to about my beliefs, I wrote this to shed some light on the thoughts of a new believer and in the beginning there eyes are wide open and ears are very sensitive and when looking to get started on their journey its the people that we meet during those times that can have an effect on their walk of faith. So you as being the more seasoned saint god knows your true intentions are you walking in love embracing the lost and looking out for the lest fortunate, if not then you shall perish in your success which you create just for the enjoyment for yourself let this be a thought that you chew on and a scripture that you lean on and give god the glory in all you days.

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