Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The fork in the road

Mathew Chapter 7 verse 13
Psalms 69 1-6
When i read this particular scripture it reminded me when i was forced to make the decision in my life what is it that i plan to do the rest of my life, and it's teachings like this i wish i had when i was coming up because i would have been familiar with what was to come as an adolescent growing up, and not just as a young man but as an adult we will always feel like there is a right and wrong decision for me as a teen growing up i just kind of followed the crowd and did what i seen the other guys in my neighborhood do, Ive made choices in my life that I regret but you got to learn from those and live with, later i was taught choices birth decisions decisions births habits and habits birth character and character births destiny (thanks bishop walker) this was so true because before I ever sold a drug i was being sold the drug i was under the assumption that this was what everybody was doing, see the word says enter into the narrow gate for wide and abroad is the gate that lead to destruction the fist problem was by whom I was being lead by and by me not knowing god i just followed right through , which i found my self after years of destruction in such despair, as the psalmist wrote in chapter 69 v1-6 save me oh god for the waters are up to my neck I sink in the depths of it, with all the glitz and glamour which a man can obtain its the pain that he is stuck with and as you go on to read psalms 69 v 1-6 its says may those that hope in you be disgraced because of me, that was my family and all love one who invested so much in me growing up and i chose to go astray, god word says god you know my folly my guilt is not hidden from you, this is how i feel today all my cards are on the table i am who i am and god gets the glory for me still being alive and in my right mind, this goes out to every one that's looking to become Trulytransformed. remember it s a process !!

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