Monday, January 10, 2011

Buying Time

Growing up, One of the most famous cliche's of all time, is the saying that Time is money
with that being said most of us know to use our time wisely, looking for money in return for every minute that we spend in a day which in the spiritual world can be viewed as selfish especially when we know that Jesus Christ died for our sins so that we may spend eternity with the father for the word says that man is formed from the dust and to dust we shall return, think about it we hustle an grind all day long to obtain these tangible items just to leave them behind, now from that perspective I hope you see that your mission in this life is more greater than collecting things, not to say that you cant have nice things for the word say he came so that you might have life and have it more abundantly, but what i want you to see is what such great value your life is worth, some people never understand their worth, God knows what he created in you
but its still your choice to submit to his ways, by doing so you find yourself in god good grace not saying that you will be trouble free but you will be equipped to serve and able to stand against what this world throws at you, look at it this way eternity which symbolizes the main event its like a concert and you are interested in attending but the cost may be more than you can bear but what you find out is that the main event is free but your other dilemma is how are you going to get there,Now its about how bad do you wanna go,ask yourself this question what is your desires how do you feel in your heart because that's whats going to help you make the decision to get to life's main event, the fee has been paid, all you have to do is find your way their, so remember that its not about the things you obtain in this world,but its the things that you do until the return of Jesus Christ,

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