Tuesday, July 20, 2010

growing inside of your change

when we as human beings make decisions in our lives that lead us down paths that become unhealthy for our well being,its almost second nature before our conscious kicks in forewarning us that its time to make some changes, some people hear the warning and it causes them to ponder,why am I going through what I'm going through, then for some of us its the ride that gets us, for me it was about the thrill just like so many we know our actions are wrong but if it become beneficial to the flesh then the more difficult it become to make the change for the better, but when my definition of better seems to be far fetched and the obstacle to obtain the better seems to much to bare, then our actions become repetitive which later becomes labeled has bad habits,

What do you do when those habits have started to control your life and the end results lead you to a place where you don't understand, How do you come back from a wrong turn, the first step is accepting your position, i was traveling down a road and i did not no where i was going, from the moment this journey started, its hard for a lot of people to admit fault, and they start to give excuses for the reason why their lost. true enough some are given bad direction from the jump but if i make it to this place of darkness and knowing that somethings not right in my life then i have to make that decision to change the direction where I'm headed from that point on i got to accept the responsibility of my life, the second thing is to get some type of assistance to get back on the right path we all know that if man could have been any assistance then you would not keep ending back up in those same predicaments, to become truly transformed you got to plan to move forward from the place where you are and not from where your where and what i mean is that when people say that they need to make a change they always refer to those same habits that keep bringing them to this place of uncertainty, true repentance is the key to growing inside of your change accepting the will of god for your life once i embrace the will of god for my life then in Christ,i become a new creature so from that place of uncertainty,where i have ended up know that the person i was when i arrived is not the same person that's returning back into existence, as you make your way back with a better perspective in life let your light shine, just as the Caterpillar who once crawled an slithered its ways around after spending time in the cocoon now it can fly free where ever it please now that a sign of TRUE TRANSFORMATION

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