Thursday, July 22, 2010

The world is yours

One of america's most influential movie of all time is Scarface (starring Al pacino, I dont think its a young man who grew up in the 80's early 90's who have not seen this movie. The motto of the movie was the world is yours at the end of the movie he was killed and this is one of the main parts of the movie that the world glorifies, going out in a blaze of glory is something that makes you a hero in this macho society, to go out swinging or to not go down without a fight, In the more poverish neighborhoods all over america,it was the whole concept of coming up from nothing,or should i say rags to riches this movie had such an impact on young mens lives all across america,young men growing up in single parent households who did not want to be a burden to their mother related in such a way that this fictional character that was created for the big screen was like a replica of so many different situations all rolled into one, and the way he overcame it with the illegal actvities that the streets offer makes every young male in the world still thinks they have the chance of rising to supremecy through the obstacles that life has put before them.

My thought today is the WORLD IS YOURS, When we read Genesis chapter 1 verses28-30 god blessed man with dominion over all things in the earth, the first thing thats mentioned is to be fruitful and multiply, fruitful is a term that used trought out the bible that means to produce, this is the first charge to a man, in other words we are the bread winner, the head patriarch of your household, its in everyone's best intrest that the male takes his position and go out and set the trend or should i say set the bar for which his family will abide by,its been 27 years since this movie first made its debute young men today have gotten away from the morals of the game which where partrayed in this movie, family is the least of importance in todays young wannabe's, gangsters of the much earlier times understood the need to be family oriented it displayed dominence because everyman was a king in his own right, in this movie tony montana did not have a mistress or neither did he have lots of groupies, somewhere down the line the new aged gangsters found the need to have a supply of woman, just has the code of the streets have changed, so has the understanding of what gods intentions where for men, to multiply was mans next order because there is a need to keep your legacy,proverbs 13:22 says that a good man leaves an inheirentance to his childrens, childrens whether that be fortunes, a good name etc, I also believe that a man can leave behind all the foolishness that hes created and cause his kids to be left with those demons which continued to haunt him.

God created man on the sixth day and then he rested on the seventh, not only on did the seventh day give god a chance to rest but it gave man a chance to look back over the week and see what god had created for him, luke chapter 12 v 32 says fear not for it is your fathers pleasure to give you the kingdom, the word kingdom refers to gods way of doing things so with that being said that if i remain faithful and obedient to his world then the world is mine. learn to put god first in everything that you do and allow is grace and his mercy to sustain you in this lifetime.

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