Friday, July 9, 2010


The thought of some of us revealing the places we have been in our past, careless actions that were carried out, relationships that meant no good are things that some of us would just rather not confront.I believe that every body has something their withholding. maybe its a specific person,or a certain day you were not clearly thinking and you became ashamed of those moments in time or the events that took place even if we just keep those thoughts hidden in the back of our mind they still resurface every once and a while, leaving you with regrets that keeps you feeling low

the worse thing you can do is to keep these thoughts with you and never come forth with them. Now that does not mean go back and try to find everyone and everything from your past (that could take some a lifetime). The blessing comes when we are able to evaluate each event,relationship, or strange occurrence, and find revelation in it.god allows us to go through certain events, the key word being (through) remember only two things happen, It either makes you or breaks you when you overcome it, Then it makes you whole you become wiser, even stronger than before but even if it breaks you it still teaches you a lesson mostly the discipline you obtained while going trough it giving you discernment that allows you to prevent these type of things from happening again.

why not try to take and use those experiences to seek salvation connecting the mind, with the holy spirit which gives you an outlet. Having a will to confess is normal and necessary because the spirit wants to deal with the problems.For example when your computer has a virus and its being overtaken it can't function correctly no matter if you restart it, or reboot it' your hard drive will remain altered, but it's when you download the protector to remove the virus now its not only free from what was causing it harm its now being guarded. that's sort of the role that the word of god plays in our life we have to reprogram and renew becoming anti to the enemies attacks( Romans 12:2) says be not conformed to the ways of the world but be transformed by the renewing of the mind.
The mind controls,The body reacts,and The spirit strengths that's like my own analogy on transforming truly, evaluating the mind is the first step to making this work. sometimes we have those dramatic moments. some more severe then others causing you to reflect. what we find is that some of the things that happen were on purpose. Now when we grow up outside the lines. The lines being the rules of the world we tend to believe that we survive on our on strength the hustle we create, the lies we tell, allowing our ways only to become custom to the lifestyle we lead . I heard a speaker once use an example as to were when your eyes start to adjust to a dark room and you seem to find your way around after while it becomes normal and what i come to know is that now when the lights do come on not only does it allow you to see clearly it sort of now illuminates. secondly we have to bring out within us our best allowing the change that took place on the inside to manifest on the outside following the footsteps of the lord,worshiping daily studying his word, the body which is the actions the growth, the statue that we display for the world,then the spirit holds it all together the motor keeps you going day to day
so as you read this book and start out on your quest to transforming truly
hopefully the information you obtain from some of my past experiences
will inspire and draw you closer t gods word because it's god uncompromising
word that will direct you guide you correct and secure you in growing and prospering In this lifetime.

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