Thursday, July 15, 2010


Through out our lives we are faced with decisions,To make these decision we rely on education, advice from our elders,or past experiences too help come up with the best solution, what ever the problem may be,The time in between from when you first acknowledge the problem to actually solving the problem is a very important moment. learning to evaluate, educate, and elevate will clearly help you make the better choice of the options which are before you

There is going to come a time in each one of our lives when we feel the pressure from the choices we make,Good or bad I came up with this concept the three E's, Evaluate, Educate,and Elevate, First step is the evaluation process the need for cleansing, A period where you can reflect and put it all on the table,taking responsibility and owning up to your actions, having control not only helps you vent from a place of comfort but if the choices or decisions you are making involve others it allows them to feel confident in you There came a time in my life when it felt like my life was a disaster, I took the concept from every day decision making, and applied this to the spiritual aspect of my life. first i had to realize that I'm solely responsible for what happened in my life,I had to acknowledge the problem.this was the evaluating process. who am i,what spuratic events happened in my life what caused me to become astray,when did the change actually take place and why
Truly Transformed is a past tense expression which indicates change has took place buy using this concept the three E' will help you Transformtruly

after expressing your feelings and drawing conclusions about the situation at hand know its time to find the answers to those questions educating myself with the answers to my questions became key because i was looking to become a better person all the way around after seeking truth spiritually and in the flesh i was ready to gain a better perspective on life than what i perceived

Picture being stranded on an island you, and a few other people and to eat someone got to go out and kill something to survive, if you the one who got the heart to carry it out and you find success so of course the others are going to applaud you amongst your return. Now we know if the circumstances where different then so would your actions, You would not act out of desperation this is the effect poverty have on peoples lives all over this world. How we got here is irrelevant until help arrive we do what we can to survive, We all know that when our situation does not look favorable how easy it is to panic, We usually panic when were scared and you become scared from not having no plan, but here's the thing having a plan does not always mean survival. from the time that we came out the womb destiny was set over our lives As we start to get older and mature some things become less attractive.

Everybody has their own desires and what influences you might have, may mot be so appealing to the next person. A plan in life without god becomes not you destiny it just turns out to be a place of arrival from being guided by the world.The push for so call success which has a drastic effect on you while living outside the will of what god. At the end of the day when it all falls down, we find our self dwelling on what we should have done or what we could have done that would have gave you a better outcome but its at these moments where it time to Transformtruly, This is a suggestion to any and everybody who finds there self looking for answers to get their life intact after Evaluating my situation thoroughly and start to seek information and knowledge daily and have found myself equipped with the resources and tools to move forward in my life,Its now time to Elevate,taking the initiative of stepping out and walking in your newness of life this is the head of it after it all comes together its what you learned during the evaluation period which helps identify the ares of your life where you needed guidance and what was learned from the education process causes you to discover potential that you would have never known but realize none of this is possible without the spirit it keeps you going and make the change in your life more fulfilling. THE NEXT SEGMENT (LEARNING TO GROW INSIDE OF YOUR CHANGE IS NEXT

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